
Seminario: "Nonlinear dynamics of microresonators used as mass or viscosity sensors: from fabrication to modelling strategies"
Contatto Bruno Tiribilli CNR ISC

Seminario: "Nonlinear dynamics of microresonators used as mass or viscosity sensors: from fabrication to modelling strategies"

by Prof. Joao Mouro della School of Engeneering, University of Liverpool.

Microresonators are increasingly being used to create sensitive sensors for rheology and mass sensing at the micro- and nano-scale. However, the nonlinear dynamics of the microresonators can generate poorly-understood phenomena and instabilities. Potential sources of nonlinearities in these systems include: the nonlinear electronic components required for signal conditioning, the nonlinear stress-strain relation of the material subject to large deformations, nonlinear forces between the resonator and the surrounding viscous fluids and the nonlinear excitation mechanisms. Achieving fine control of the dynamics of the resonators can be extremely important to avoid undesired phenomena during device operation or to use the most advantageous features for a specific application.

In this work, the dynamical behaviour of externally and self-excited microresonators vibrating in viscous fluids is characterized experimentally and different modelling approaches are proposed to explain and predict the results.



Luogo Aula 1 Edificio F - Area CNR, via Madonna del Piano, 10 - Sesto F.no Firenze
João Mouro received the PhD in Technological Physics Engineering from Instituto
Superior Técnico, affiliated with INESC-MN Research Center, Lisbon, Portugal, in 2015.
His PhD dissertation is on fabrication, characterization, modeling and application of thin-film
NEMS/ MEMS. He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the University of Liverpool, UK, and
his current interests include modelling the nonlinear dynamics of self-excited microcantilevers
used as rheological sensors.