
Seminario "Phenotype Microarray Technology: History and Recent Adavances"
Contatto Dott.ssa A. Frascella

Mercoledi 15 dicembre 2021 alle ore 11.00

presso l’Aula Toraldo di Francia dell’Edificio F
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via Madonna del Piano, 10 Sesto F.no (Firenze)

il Dr. Enrico Tatti
Territory manager di Biolog EMEA

terrà il seminario:

"Phenotype Microarray Technology: History and Recent Adavances"


Phenotype MicroArray technology was developed as a tool to permit a detailed analysis of biological phenotypes of cells and also to provide a basis for a detailed comparison of cells. The technology allows scientists to efficiently test nearly 2,000 phenotypes of a microbial cell and gain a comprehensive overview of pathway functions in a single experiment. The phenotypic assays are designed from a physiological perspective to survey, in vivo, the function of diverse pathways including both metabolic and regulatory pathways. Included in the phenotypes are basic cellular nutritional pathways for C, N, P, and S metabolism (800 tests), pH growth range and regulation of pH control (100 tests), sensitivity to NaCl and various other ions (100 tests), and sensitivity to 240 chemical agents that disrupt various biological pathways (1,000 tests). There are now more than 350 scientific publications and presentations that have used PM technology. The most common use of the technology has been to compare cell lines that differ by a single gene mutation, thereby analyzing gene function. Other uses have been to analyze naturally occurring microbial strains, to analyze the biological properties of strains, to analyze the effects of chemicals on cells, and to employ it as a tool in bioprocess optimization. In this presentation I will describe details of how PM technology works and show examples of how it has been used in both basic and applied research.



Luogo Aula Toraldo di Francia - Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze