
Seminario "Describing large populations of coupled oscillators with low-dimensional equations for order parameters"

Giovedì 21 marzo 2019 alle ore 14.30

presso l’Aula 2 dell’Edificio F
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via Madonna del Piano, 10 Sesto F.no (Firenze)

il Dott. Arkady Pikovsky
del Dipartimento di Fisica
dell'Universität Potsdam, Germania

terrà il seminario:

"Describing large populations of coupled oscillators with low-dimensional equations for order parameters"


Large ensembles of coupled oscillators are systems out of equilibrium, which can demonstrate transition to synchrony as a nonequilibrium phase transition. The Kuramoto system of globally coupled phase oscillators is a paradigmatic model for such a transition.
In this lecture I will show how one can reduce the dynamics of deterministic and noisy oscillators to a finite-dimensional dynamical system for a few complex order parameters. This will be a generalization of the famous Ott-Antonsen ansatz.



Luogo Aula 2 Edificio F - Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze