
Seminario "Large fluctuations and condensation transition"

Giovedì 22 marzo 2018 alle ore 14.30
presso l’Aula 2 dell’Edificio F
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via Madonna del Piano, 10 Sesto F.no (Firenze)

il Dr. Federico Corberi
del Dipartimento di Fisica "E.R.Caianiello"
dell'Università di Salerno
terrà il seminario:

"Large fluctuations and condensation transition"


In this talk I will review the phenomenon whereby probability distributions of a collective variable in a statistical or thermodynamical system develop a non-analytical character. This is sometimes denoted as "condensation of fluctuations".
After showing some simple models where singular distributions occur, I will discuss the physical origin of the non-analitycity, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of a phase-transition occurring in a dual system.
I will also discuss how a large fluctuation develops out of a typical state, showing that the associated kinetics is non-trivial and similar to the ageing dynamics observed in systems brought across a phase-transition.


Luogo Aula 2 dell’Edificio F - Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze